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    时间:2023-03-06 11:27:05  编辑:同城资讯  来源:资讯   网站投稿
          He who seeks death draws the last breath.        “不作死就不会死”英译 No zuo no die. No can no BB的翻译原理       汉语网络流行词“不作不死”的英译 no.

    He who seeks death draws the last breath.


    No zuo no die. No can no BB的翻译原理

    汉语网络流行词“不作不死”的英译 no zuo no die 被收入了美国在线俚语词典 UD(纯搞笑的,戳开,不是学术词典)。该词典的解释是:This phrase is of Chinglish origin. Means if you don’t do stupid things, they won’t come back and bite you in the ass. But if you do, they most certainly will.(这个词组源自中式英语。意思是,你如果不做蠢事,蠢事就不会返回来找你麻烦。但是如果你做了蠢事,蠢事肯定会返回来找你麻烦。)

    “不作不死”是一个“不A不B”型四字词组,意思是“如果你不作死,你就不会死”。从逻辑关系上讲,“不作”是假设条件,“不死”是预想结果。no zuo no die 是逐字逐个翻译的四字词组,no zuo 是假设条件,no die 是预想结果。其实,英语本来不乏这种no A no B 结构的词组,例如英语谚语No pain, no gain(不劳则无获)。no pain 是假设条件,no gain 是预想结果。看来,英美人是不难理解 no zuo no die 这种四字词组的意义的。

    英语的 no A no B 结构有许多变体,表示否定意义的假设条件和否定意义的预想结果之间的逻辑关系 , 大都是一些谚语,具有言简意赅的特点 ,例如 :

    1. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 如果不冒风险,就一无所获。/ 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

    2. Lifeless, faultless.如果没有生命,就不会犯错误。/人非圣贤,孰能无过。

    3. No sweet without sweat. 如果不流汗,就体会不到甜蜜。/苦尽甘来。

    4. Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock.如果没有牧羊人,羊就不会成群。

    5. There is no smoke without fire. 如果没有火,就没有烟。/ 无风不起浪。

    6. No man can be happy without a friend.如果没有朋友,一个人就不会快乐。

    7. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 如果没有热情,什么大事也做不成。

    8. He that had no cross deserves no crown. 如果不背十字架,一个人就不配戴王冠。/不吃苦中苦,难为人上人。

    9. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. 如果不提问题,就不会听到谎言。

    “不 A 不 B”型四字词组是汉语特有的一种语言结构。这种由两个否定词构成的类似词组还有“无A 无B”[ 如“无影无踪”(Not the least trace was found, vanish without a trace)]、“非 A 非B”[如“非亲非故”(neither kith nor kin)] 和“没 A 没 B”[ 如“没完没了”(endless)] 等。这类四字词组具有结构平行和韵律均衡的特点,例如:

    10. 人人都在问,为什么马航 MH370班机竟然消失得无影无踪。 Everybody is asking why Flight MH370 should have vanished without a trace.

    11. 虽然这名女志愿者跟这位老人非亲非故, 可是她对老人比亲人还要亲。 Although the female volunteer is neither kith nor kin to this old man, she is nearer and dearer to him than to her own family members.

    12. 他尽力使自己不卷入这场没完没了的争论。 He tried not to be involved in this endless argument.


    第一种“不A不B”结构表示假设条件与预想结果的逻辑关系,“不A”是条件句,“不 B”是结果句,即“如果不……,就不……”。英语多用虚拟语气表示。汉语中,这种结构的词组有“不破不立”“不塞不流”“不止不行”等,例如:

    13. 不破不立。 1)There is no construction without destruction. 2)There is no making without breaking.

    14.不塞不流。 There is no flowing without damming.

    15. 不止不行。 There is no motion without rest.

    第二种 “不A不B” 结构, 相当于 “既不A, 又 /也不B” , 表示第三种选择。英语可以译为 neither...nor...。这类词组中的 A 和 B, 有时是反义词, 因此英语也可以用一个中间意义的词组 (intermediate phrase)或中间词(intermediate word)表示。汉语中,这种结构的词组有“不多不少” (neither more nor less, just the right amount)、 “ 不 大 不 小” (neither too big nor too small, medium-sized)、 “不肥 / 胖不瘦” (neither too fat nor too thin; average-sized, normal-sized)、 “不明不暗” (neither too light nor too dark)、“不死不活” (neither dead nor alive, half dead, lifeless, lethargic)、“不即不离”(be neither too familiar nor too distant, keep apart but not afar, maintain a discreet distance)等,例如:

    16. 天空的颜色不明不暗。 The colour of the sky is neither too light, nor too dark.

    17. 不知为什么我的狗总是不死不活的,几乎不吃什么东西。 I don’t know why my dog is always lethargic and hardly eats anything.

    18. “不即不离”是艺术的最高境界,也是爱情的最高境界。 Keeping apart but not afar is the highest state of art, and also that of love.

    在第三种“不 A 不 B”结构中,A 和 B 由同义词或同类词构成,表示同义重复,具有韵律均衡和加强语气的功能。汉语中,这种结构的词组有“不干不净”(unclean, filthy)、“不知不觉”(unconsciously, unknowingly, without one’s noticing it, before we knew it)、“ 不 偏 不 倚 ”(impartial, unbiased)、“不慌不忙”(unhurried, in no hurry)、“不痛不痒”(neither painful nor itching, superficial)、“不言不语”(utter not a single word, keep silent)、“不声不响”(without making a sound, quietly)、“不理不睬”(ignore sb. completely, give sb. the cold shoulder)、“ 不 依 不 饶”(just wouldn’t let sb. off, be hard on sb. whatever sb says)、“不屈不挠”(neither yield nor flinch, refuse to be cowed or submit, be unbending in struggle, not bend or swerve, tenacious, unyielding)、“ 不 折 不 扣 ”(one hundred percent, without any reservation)、“ 不 卑 不 亢”(neither humble oneself nor show disrespect, neither humble nor haughty)、“不伦不类”(neither fish nor fowl, nondescript)、“不骄不躁”(neither conceited nor rash, free from arrogance and impetuosity)等,例如:

    19. 我们在一起谈心,不知不觉三个小时过去了。 We had a heart-to-heart talk, and three hours had passed before we knew it.

    20. 这老两口在公园里不慌不忙地遛弯儿。 The old couple strolled about in an unhurried way in the park.

    21. 这个自闭症男孩对周围的人不理不睬,没兴趣与他们交流。 The autistic boy completely ignored the people around him, showing no interest in communicating with them.

    22. 既然他已经承认他错了,而且也向你表示了歉意,你为什么还要对他如此的不依不饶呢? Since he has admitted he is in the wrong and already apologized to you, why should you still not let him off?

    23. 面对狂风暴雨,这些小草不屈不挠地抗争,茁壮成长。 In the face of the storm, these little grasses were unending in struggle and growing sturdily.

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